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Firmware update instructions using Mac

Follow the instructions below to update your firmware using OM Workspace on a Mac.

After installing OM Workspace (Olympus Workspace) to a Mac with Apple M1, you see the message "System Extension Blocked". It means that the OM Digital Solutions camera driver is blocked by the OS. 

Also, the firmware update for your camera will not be performed if you try the update without the OM Digital Solutions camera driver installed. You see the message "The operations of the applications are limited." or "Failed to communicate with the camera." after installing OM Workspace. 

In order to enable the camera driver, you need to change the security settings on the Mac side to allow the required extension.

Follow the steps below to allow the required extension.


1. Change the security settings on the startup option screen.

2. In Security & Privacy settings, enable the camera driver.

3. Download and apply the firmware.



Even if the camera driver is not enabled, you can transfer image data to Mac because the camera is recognized as storage (driver).



1. Change the security settings on the startup option screen.

1.1. Shut down (turn off) the Mac (computer) system.

1.2. Press and hold the power button on your Mac to start it up (turn on the power), “Continue holding for startup options” after that it should say “Loading startup options” and click Options on the startup option screen and “Continue”.

1.3. If you have multiple accounts select the admin account you know the password to and click on Next and enter the password to continue, you should be presented with this following screen:

1.4. Go to the Ulilites menu at the top left of the screen and select Startup Security Utility:

1.5. Select the system you want to use and click on Unlock after that you should have Security Policy.

1.6. Select Reduced Security and Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers. Click OK and reboot the Mac (computer).

Now you can restart the machine and load into Mac OS.

2. Enable camera drivers in Security & Privacy

2.1 If you have OM Workspace installed, please uninstall it. 

2.2 Reinstall OM Workspace from 

2.3 During the install stage the following will pop up:

2.4. Open the Security & Privacy. In General, set the following:

• Under Security > Allow apps downloaded from, click App Store and identified developers.

• Click Allow next to System software from developer "OM Digital Solutions Corporation" was blocked from loading.

2.5. The Mac (computer) restarts after the message "Rebuilding system extension cache" is displayed.

Camera drivers are enabled after restarting the Mac. The camera update function for OM Workspace is available. 

3. Open OM Workspace and connect the camera to check if it’s working. Then follow these instructions to update the firmware


This update may take up to 10 minutes.

Do not disconnect the camera from the computer until the LCD on the camera displays OK
The firmware update is not complete until the camera displays OK
Disconnecting the camera before the firmware completes may render the camera inoperable.

A camera's firmware cannot be returned to an earlier version once it has been updated.


Your camera may display a selection menu on the LCD. Please select STORAGE.
Press the camera's [OK] button to continue.

3.1. Click "Camera" on the OM Workspace menu.
3.2. Click on "Update"

3.3. Carefully read the notes on updating firmware and click Next to proceed.

3.4. If newer firmware versions are available, they will be displayed in a dialog box. To see what will be changed by applying an update, select it from the list and click Details.

To apply a selected firmware update, click Update.

3.5. Read the warning carefully. Once the firmware is updated, it cannot be returned to the previous version. Click on Yes if you accept to proceed.
If you click No, the update will be cancelled.

3.6. Carefully read the Software License Agreement. If you accept the terms, click Agree to proceed.

3.7. Depending on the camera model, the settings and Mysets might be saved and reloaded. This function is not available for all cameras

3.8. The update progress will be shown on the computer.

3.9. The firmware is transferred from the computer to your camera, and then the update starts in your camera. 
The firmware update is completed when the digital camera's LCD displays OK.

3.10. When the digital camera's LCD displays OK, the firmware update is completed. Follow the instructions and click the two checkboxes and Next.


This update may take up to 10 minutes.

Do not disconnect the camera from the computer until the LCD on the camera displays OK. 
The firmware update is not complete until the camera displays OK.
Disconnecting the camera before the firmware completes may render the camera inoperable.

3.11. Disconnect the USB cable from the camera and computer, and then click Close.