
Order status

We know you’re excited about your latest Olympus / OM SYSTEM purchase. Check your order status once it ships to track your delivery.




International orders

  • Only orders with USA billing and shipping addresses can be accepted at the explore.omsystem.com/us/en/.
  • If you are attempting to place an order from Puerto Rico, please note that we are temporarily unable to ship product to this location. We are working on a solution that should be in place shortly. Please contact eshop.support.am@om-digitalsolutions.com for additional information.
  • Shopping in Canada? Visit the OM SYSTEM Canadian Store.
  • For additional international OM SYSTEM buying options, please visit https://om-digitalsolutions.com.


Tax Exempt Orders

To place a tax-exempt order, please follow these steps:

  • Create an account on explore.omsystem.com
  • Once your account is set up, email our customer service team at eshop.support.am@om-digitalsolutions.com with your tax-exempt certificate.
  • Our tax department will review your certificate for validation.
  • Once approved, our customer service team will notify you, and your account will be updated to reflect tax-exempt status.
  • After approval, log in to your account and place your order—tax will be automatically removed at checkout.