Boasting 100 pages of incredible global content packed into a new digital publication, OM talks current and future plans with Aki Murata, Chief Operating Officer of OM Digital Solutions, plus – 12 Olympus photographers share their shots from around the world and tell all on how they’ve kept creative during lockdown…

Closer to natureCloser to nature

When OM Digital Solutions became the new home for Olympus cameras last month, this digital magazine was created to celebrate the incredible work of photographers using the OM-D and PEN systems, as well as the continued story of such iconic products. “We plan to build on the strengths of the Olympus system and will bring you exciting news as the year goes on,” says Aki Murata, Chief Operating Officer of OM Digital Solutions. “A strong focus on nature and outdoors runs through the publication and matches the evolution of the Olympus system, where some core strengths have been at the heart of the process. The ethos has always been to bring the joy back into photography: with less to carry and functionality that brings real benefits, allowing freedom to photographers.”

Twelve photographers from different parts of the globe, all using the Olympus system feature in the magazine and share their unique stories on what inspires and motivates them, the challenges they have faced with the constraints of lockdown, and what they’re most looking forward to when restrictions are eased. Czech photographer, Petr Bambousek, whose stunning work graces the front cover has been traveling and taking pictures of wildlife for over twenty years, and explained how he’d had to turn his attention a little closer to home. “I had to completely change the rhythm of my life and cancel a number of planned trips. For most of the year, I photographed around the area I live in and often returned to my favourite locations to enjoy the beauty of our Czech nature.” This was echoed by many of the photographers featured, who had to become a little more creative, including UK Visionary Tesni Ward, who advised not to overlook common species or sites.

“Mallards, Canada geese and swans can be found almost anywhere, giving you plenty of opportunity to get out in the field and expand your portfolio.” She said. “Just because they’re common doesn’t mean they’re easy when it comes to getting unique or aesthetically pleasing images, and the closer the sites are, the more time you can dedicate to being out in the field getting cracking images!”

The magazine also offers native language articles in French, Czech, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, Dutch and German, with interactive links and images that can be tapped to fullscreen, showcasing the superb detail possible with some of the kit featured throughout the publication. The photographers share some of their favourite work and the settings behind each image, giving a real insight into how they were captured. “The M.Zuiko 40-150mm F2.8 PRO lens is perhaps one of the sharpest lenses in the M.Zuiko collection”, said Alexander Koenders, from the Netherlands. “I like to use it for all types of wildlife photography and the fast autofocus and clear glass enables me to achieve excellent results even in poor light conditions.”

Bird Photographer of the Year Award category winner, Georgina Steytler features in an interview that uncovers her love of birds, and how she has been getting on with her OM-D E-M1 Mark III since switching systems last year. News of the new global photography competition, Wild Art Photographer of the Year Award, also features, with founder Rob Read explaining how to get involved in a series of monthly challenges set across the year, so be sure to click through to find out more. 

Magazine is available nowMagazine is available now

The magazine is available now, is totally free to read, and can be viewed on desktop, mobile or tablet, though we advise the bigger the screen, the better the experience in order to fully enjoy the incredible detail on offer.