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Olympus PRO Advantage Registration

Complete the form below to begin your Olympus PRO Advantage membership.

Minimum Requirements

To meet the minimum equipment requirements you must register a minimum of 3 products, up to a max of 10 products1:

  • (1) One Olympus Camera Body within these series: OM-D EM-1, OM-D E-M1X, OM-D E-M5, OM-D E-M10, PEN-F
  • (2) Two PRO or Premium lenses.

By purchasing this warranty you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the program.

FOR VIRGINIA RESIDENTS: If any promise made in the contract has been denied or has not been honored within 60 days after your request, you may contact the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs at to file a complaint.

1If you have more than 10 products to register please contact Olympus Support at 800-260-1625 Prompt 4.

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*By clicking Add to Cart, you are agreeing to terms & conditions.

Owners of the rugged TOUGH TG-4/TG-5/TG-6 can boost the impressive macro capabilities of this specialist low-light, outdoor camera with the FD-1 flash diffuser. The FD-1 redistributes light from the built-in flash to evenly illuminate close-up subjects. The reflective diffuser makes it possible to capture even moving subjects without blurring – irrespective of low ISO setting – up to 15m underwater. The circular FD-1 is ideal for shooting between two and 30cm from the lens, where extreme proximity would otherwise prevent light from the flash reaching one side of the subject. To ensure perfect control, the FD-1 incorporates a lever for adjusting the strength of the flash. By controlling the exposure of the subject in the foreground, you can darken the background and make the subject stand out – to spectacular effect.